The Association was created by the amalgamation of the Grindlays Group Pensioners Society and the ANZ Bank Retired Officers Association (UK) on the 20th September 1988. It was to operate under a Constitution which was approved by the Bank, whereby the Association was the property of the Bank, and was to be run by a Committee of volunteers from among its members performing functions in accordance with the terms of the Constitution. By resolution passed at the 30th AGM on 17 September 2018, the Constitution was changed primarily so that the Association is an autonomous organisation and no longer the property of the Bank. At the same time, the membership qualifications have been changed so that full members can be any retired person who is former officer of the ANZ in the UK or its associates who served the Bank for at least seven years and irrespective of his pension source. The full text of the new Constitution has been updated to the link below.
Under the Constitution, the objects of the Association shall be:
a) to assist and encourage contact and communications between the various groups of Pensioners among themselves and between such groups and the Bank; b) to provide guidance and support to Members; to encourage social activities for Pensioners, developing closer links with those living outside London. e) to liaise and co-operate with the Bank and with other bodies having similar objects and generally to do all acts and provide all such services and facilities as shall further the objects of the Association to the benefit of all Members. To enable us to meet these guidelines we have in place the following; **We have Regional Liaisons Officers (RLOs) in place around the UK who look after people in the area. Some RLO's arrange an annual lunch for the area they are in and these lunches are a great way for everyone to keep in touch. **Annual General Meeting precedes the Association Annual Reception which is held in September each year. In recent years these have been held in the Gary Weston Library at Southwark Cathedral by London Bridge. |
**The Minerva Club meets three times a yeat and usually on the third Wednesday in March and June, as well as the last Friday in November*. This is an informal social gathering organised by the Association for all pensioners and partners, existing staff or any other people with a connection with ANZ. At present, these are held from 3pm at the Mug House in 1/3 Tooley Street - SE1 2PF
**Other lunches arranged during the year can include Ottoman Bank lunch, The Ex-Service Association, Harare Christmas lunch, Balance day lunch, Midanz get together to name a few. **Newsletter which we send to all members three times a year which keeps us all informed of the Association actives. The Editor always welcomes articles from our members to be included in the newsletter. ** The Administration team which is made up of committee members meet at the Bank on the first and third Friday of each month to conduct the office business. Contact number 020-3229-2777. If you feel we should be doing other activities on your behalf then please let the Chairman Peter Smith know at [email protected] and we will look at your suggestions. The Association has published a Privacy Notice which further explains the policies we follow in connection with the collection, use and storage of our Members personal data. Please click the button below to read our Privacy Notice document. |